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Amnesty Manipulation

Play this event to manipulate the Infernal Conclave to announce an amnesty to be granted to you for the return of one Praetor that has been banished to the Abyss.

Cost: 1/1/1/0

Notes: Will not return praetors that have been sacrificed. Probably only works for praetors that have been banished by losing a battle.

Angelic Host Incursion

Play this event to start an invasion of an Angelic Host bent on retribution against the most evil Archfiends of Hell (most prestige).

Cost: 2/0/2/4

Notes: It will attack one legion from each player, starting with player with the most prestige. If the legion the angelic host is going to attack disappears (killed, removed, etc), the angels will move on to the next player. If the angels will attempt to kill one legion from each player. The angels can be killed which will stop the attack for any remaining players.

The Angelic Host stats are Level:7 HP:16 Loyalty:10 Move:5 Ranged:10 Melee:10 Infernal:0 Infernal Resist:d6 Flying:5

Back Room Dealing

Play this event to force the drawing of a Conclave token on the next turn.

Cost: 10 prestige

Beast is Loose, The

Play this event to unleash the Beast. The Beast will strike once against any player who controls a place of power.

Cost: 6/6/0/0

Notes: If a player owns the beast, they lose control of it. If it is up for sale, it is removed from the bazaar. The beast will strike one place of power the turn it is played. Each following turn it will either strike another place of power, or it will rest, waiting to strike, until each player has lost one place of power (or been skipped over due to lack of a place of power).

Blackest Insurrection Targeted

Play this event to cause a random place of power controlled by an opponent that you choose to rise in rebellion against its Archfiend owner.

Cost: 3/3/0/3

Notes: The place of power becomes neutral and can be recaptured (same as the start of the game).

Blackest Insurrection

Play this event to cause a random player's (including yourself) place of power to rise in rebellion against its Archfiend owner.

Cost: none

Catastrophic Intel Failure

Play this event to cause all players to be unable to see the Prestige of other players for 3 to 6 turns. Cost: 3/0/0/3

Capricious Wrath Targeted

Play this event to destroy a targeted opponent's Legion on the board. The particular legion that is destroyed is chosen randomly but cannot be a personal guard.

Cost: 1/0/3/3

Capricious Wrath

Play this event to destroy a random player's (including your own) Legion on the board. The target legion is chosen randomly but cannot be a personal guard.

Cost: none

Close the Bazaar

Play this event to close the Infernal Bazaar for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 0/3/0/3

Notes: Any bids made the same turn the event was played will be returned to owner (as if outbid). The Bazaar is still visible while it is closed.

Conclave Manipulation

Play this event to immediately cancel any ongoing Conclave Decrees. Decrees which last but a single turn and have a specific effect are not affected and cannot be undone using this event.

Cost: 2/2/2/2

Dangerous Bickering

Play this event to immediately end all Vendettas and ban them for 3 to 6 turns. All prestige is returned to the parties involved. All demands and insults are reset as if the game had just started.

Cost: 6/4/0/0

Dearth of Tribute, A

Play this event to subtract d6 from all players' Tribute Rolls for 3 to 6 turns

Cost: none

Death Takes A Holiday

Play this event to stop the flow of tribute to all players for 3 to 6 turns

Cost: none

Decrease Minimum Bids

Play this event to decrease the minimum bids in the infernal Bazaar for 2 to 8 turns

Cost: none

Evil Amplified

Play this event to double the damage for the destruction rituals Infernal Affliction and Dire Dissipation for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: none

Evil Bides its Time

Play this event to prevent all players from playing Event Cards for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 4/0/0/0

Evil Revanchism Random

Play this event to reassign control of border hexes from one random player (including you) to another random adjacent player. The reassigned Hexes may not contain a legion or Place of Power.

Cost: none

Evil Revanchism Target

Play this event to reassign control of random border hexes from an adjacent player to you. The reassigned Hexes may not contain a legion or Place of Power.

Cost: 4/4/0/0

Evil Sleeps

Play this event to block the prestige generated by all places of power (including relics attached there) for 4 to 10 turns.

Cost: none

Notes: Card text incorrectly shows the duration as 3 to 6 turns.

Evil Tax

Play this event to require that a player pays 3 to 6 tribute cards to the Infernal Conclave. If the player fails to pay then prestige is lost.

Cost: 2/0/0/0

Expel the Heretic

Play this event to call for a vote of excommunication against a random opponent (3 players must remain). Each player gets a vote equal to their infernal rank but must wager 20 (or all remaining) prestige points to vote for excommunication. If the vote succeeds then the players voting yes get the prestige back. If the vote fails then those who voted no get their prestige back plus a 10 point bonus.

Cost: none

Notes: A Blood Vassal counts as player and may be targeted (although I don't know if it will target your own blood lord/vassal). If the Blood Lord/Blood Vassal is expelled, their partner is also expelled. The player targeted does not get to vote.

False Modesty

Play this event to cause a target player to appear to have less prestige over the course of 5 to 10 turns.

Cost: 3/0/0/3

Favorite of the Conclave

Play this event to prevent other players from hurling insults against you or making demands of you for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 4/0/4/0

Fill the Coffers

Play this event to require that all players pay 3 to 6 tribute cards to the Infernal Conclave. If a player fails to pay then prestige is lost.

Cost: none

Example: The conclave required 4 tribute cards, I gave them zero and lost 15 prestige, but since I only had 10 prestige, I ended up at 0 prestige, not -5).

General Amnesty

Play this event to force the Infernal Conclave to announce a general amnesty to be granted to each player for the return of one Praetor that has been banished to the Abyss.

Cost: none

Notes: Will not return praetors that have been sacrificed. Probably only works for praetors that have been banished by losing a battle.

Great Fissure, A

Play this event to mark up to two open terrain adjacent hexes as a fissure. Any legion occupying the hex must successfully roll versus destruction or be removed from the game.

Cost: 0/0/4/4

Notes: To target a hex containing a legion, you need to click carefully near the edge of the hex to avoid clicking on the legion itself.

Great Unholy Crusade

Play this event to call for a Great Unholy Crusade against Heaven's Ramparts. Each player may designate a legion for the expedition which will last 3 to 6 turns. Legions which survive will be greatly strengthened. The more legions that embark the better the chances of survival will be.

Cost: none

Harrowing of Hell, The

Play this event to cause all players to lose half of all their tribute cards that contain the souls resource.

Cost: none

In Dreadful Deeds Fearless

Play this event to gain a super promotion for a praetor that you own.

Cost: 3/3/0/0

Increase Minimum Bids

Play this event to increase the minimum bids in the infernal Bazaar for 2 to 8 turns

Cost: none

Increase Ritual Costs

Play this event to increase the cost of all players' rituals for 2 to 8 turns

Cost: none

Infernal Aristocracy

Play this event to increase the number of tribute cards by 1 that all players with the infernal rank of Marquis or greater may choose from during their tribute choice for 3 to 6 turns. All players of rank Baron and below receive one less tribute card from which to choose.

Cost: none

Infernal Aether Flux

Play this event to force all players to discard any Event cards that they are holding.

Cost: 4/0/0/4

Infernal Cabal

Play this event to force an opponent's Legions to make a loyalty check of 7 or better. If a Legion fails then it is banished to the Abyss along with all its attachments.

Cost: 3/3/3/2

Notes: A loyalty check is 1d6+loyalty (so a legion with loyalty 6 is safe, since you will roll at least 1).

Infernal Census

Play this event to force the Infernal Conclave to take the Infernal Census. Each player is awarded a Prestige point for each Canton (hex) that he controls.

Cost: none

Infernal Corruption

Play this event to cause every player to discard up to 2d6 random tribute cards.

Cost: 0/0/0/3

Infernal Entitlement

Play this event to reduce the number of tribute cards by 1 that all players with the infernal rank of Marquis or greater may choose from during their tribute choice for 3 to 6 turns. All players of rank Baron and below receive an extra tribute card from which to choose.

Cost: none

Infernal Monsoons

Play this event to prevent all legions from flying and reduce all legions' movement points to 1 for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 0/0/6/0

Infernal Perfidy

Play this event to force all Legions to make a loyalty check of 7 or better. If a Legion fails then it is banished to the Abyss along with all its attachments.

Cost: 2/2/2/0

Notes: A loyalty check is 1d6+loyalty (so a legion with loyalty 6 is safe, since you will roll at least 1).

Infernal Promotion

Play this event to gain a super promotion for a legion that you own.

Cost: 3/3/3/0

Infernal Tax

Play this event to reduce the number of tribute cards by 1 that all players may keep during their tribute choice for 3 to 6 turns

Cost: none

Legion Tax

Play this event to levee a tax on all players who have hired legions. Players must pay 1 tribute card for each legion or lose prestige.

Cost: none

Level 3 Ritual Cap

Play this event to prohibit all rituals above level 3 for 2 to 8 turns.

Cost: 3/3/0/3

Note: (Needs verification - but assuming it is similar to Ritual Corruption) This only prevents new rituals from being performed. The player may continue paying for rituals that are already ongoing.

Master of the Bazaar

Play this event to be assigned the title Master of the Infernal Bazaar for 2 to 8 turns. Half of all the tribute cards in the bazaar are awarded to you but you may not bid yourself on anything in the bazaar.

Cost: 10 prestige

Neutralize Schemers

Play this event to target a player and reveal to all players whether they have the Power Behind the Throne perk. If the player had the perk then it is removed from the target player.

Cost: 10 prestige

Paladin in Hell, A

Play this event to send a lone Paladin against a random player. In addition to losing some prestige, a random relic that the opponent owns is destroyed. If the player does not possess a relic then tribute cards are lost instead.

Cost: none

Power of Evil

Play this event to award a triple prestige bonus for all destruction rituals performed for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: none

Ritual Ban

Play this event to prohibit a target player from performing any rituals for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 5/5/0/5


  • This only prevents new rituals from being performed. The player may continue paying for rituals that are already ongoing.
  • The ritual ban is a conclave proclamation and will not effect excommunicated players (needs testing to find out if it will continue if it was already in effect before the excommunication).

Ritual Corruption

Play this event to prevent all players from performing any rituals for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 0/0/0/3

Note: This only prevents new rituals from being performed. The player may continue paying for rituals that are already ongoing.

Rumors of Weakness

Play this event to cause a random opponent to lose 2d6 prestige points.

Cost: 3/0/0/3

Rumors of Greatness

Play this event to cause a target player to appear to have more prestige over the course of 5 to 10 turns.

Cost: 3/0/0/3

Targeted Level 3 Ritual Cap

Play this event to prohibit all rituals above level 3 for target player for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 3/3/0/3

Note: (Needs verification - but assuming it is similar to Ritual Ban) This only prevents new rituals from being performed. The player may continue paying for rituals that are already ongoing.

Test of Loyalty

Play this event to force all players to sacrifice a praetor, relic or artifact to the Infernal Conclave. If a player refuses or cannot comply then prestige is lost.

Cost: none

Note: The prestige lost in one sample case was 29 (had 180), another case it was 25 (had 400).


Play this event to remove one attribute point in a random power from a target player.

Cost: 10 prestige

Tournament of Champions

Play this event to call a tournament of champions in 2 turns at the capital of Pandemonium. Those who do not send a champion will lose prestige.

Cost: none

Traitors Everywhere

Play this event to prevent all players from using Combat Cards for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: none

Notes: When a battle takes place, combat cards attached to the legions are ignored.

Unequaled in Wrath

Play this event to gain a prestige bonus during legion combat for 3 to 6 turns.

Cost: 2/2/2/0

Unexpected Tribute

Play this event to gain a random windfall of tribute.

Cost: 4/0/0/0

Unfit for Office

Play this event to target a player to be skipped for selection as the Regent the next time that they are eligible.

Cost: 0/2/0/2

Unveil King Makers

Play this event to publicly reveal all Kingmakers to the Infernal Conclave.

Cost: 20 prestige

  • If you are a king maker, you are only informed that you have been revealed and will not know if there is a second king maker.
  • Being revealed does not prevent you from winning as a king maker.

Wealth of Tribute, A

Play this event to add d6 to all players' Tribute Rolls for 3 to 6 turns

Cost: none

Wrath of God

Play this event to remove one attribute point in a random power from all players.

Cost: none

Writ of Rescindment

Play this event to manipulate the Infernal Conclave to announce a general amnesty to be granted to all players who have been Excommunicated but do not currently occupy Pandemonium.

Cost: none

Notes: Playing this event does not prevent attacks on the same turn it is played. For example, if you excommunicate yourself on turn X, you can both attack another player's stronghold and reinstate yourself on turn X+1.

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